Barclay HOA Annual Services & Projects on Horizon
Lighting posts at the entrances off Beck Road and 9 Mile road are currently operational but are also aging. Concern within future need to repair/replace. 9 posts at Beck Road and 2 at 9 Mile Road. Potential exposure upwards of $20,000 depending on number of posts to replace and location. Additional electrical work would be required to meet updated permitting and code requirements. Near term options we would like to pursue is stabling the bases on several lights, repainting posts, and cleaning or replacing some of the glass domes that are in disrepair, while there is still option to purchase replacement parts.
The current mailboxes throughout the subdivision are 8 years old (installed 2013). In 2019 the board power washed and repaint 89 mailboxes cost $6,900.0. Many of the mailboxes are showing signs of wear and paint chipping. Original plan was to service each mailbox with maintenance every three years. Budget constraints have currently stretched entire neighborhood batch to 4 years. The next round of maintenance for the entire group will be required in 2025.
On the West side of the 9 Mile entrance, there is a retaining wall along the berm that is in need of replacement to ensure that the berm is held in place to protect the adjoining homeowners property. Initial quotes obtained in 2021 was $9,675.00 Additional quotes are still being obtained.
There are several ponds within the Barclay HOA. Periodic maintenance is required to ensure that storm drainage areas are not clogged with plant growth / leaves. For weed / growth control, board has sought guidance from Aqua Weed. We have been informed that our ponds are too shallow to accommodate a boat and that there is no access point which will add to the cost of any service required to treat or maintain areas. Our current ability to assess and maintain ponds has been to hire landscapers to manually wade into ponds with rakes to clear overgrowth by hand for storm water draining.
The Barclay HOA sprinkler system services both entrances at Beck and 9 Mile Road, as well along 9 Mile Road. Like everything else in the subdivision, it is aging infrastructure and requires continues maintenance and upkeep. In addition to the standard maintenance, we have discovered several instances of theft over the past several years that have added to our cost as we needed to replace control panels and repair cut lines.
island maintenance
There are 4 islands within Barclay HOA, Stratford Lane, Barclay Court, Perth Court, and Hazelton Court. Outside of basic weeding maintenance there has not been refresh of landscaping for many years. Mulching of the islands was last performed in spring 2019.
tree trimming
Along entrances and the common HOA area ongoing trimming is required to maintain and not have overgrowth of plants / trees. Board would like to add rotation of trimming into our annual landscape budget. 2018 was that last time full service trimming occurred. Despite the personal efforts of several board members to donate their time cutting back areas, a full evaluation and trimming should occur every other year.
Sidewalks within the common areas (entrances, fence lines) are responsibility of the Barclay HOA to maintain and replace as needed. Given age of the division, it is anticipated within the next several years this will become an area of expense.
legal expenses
Barclay Estates signed a representation agreement with Hirzel Law to assist in consultation regarding issues non compliance with ByLaws by residence and rights of enforcement / resolution. Hourly rates attorney’s range from $150-$350. Annual service plan fees are $1,200.0 At this time, the board has voted to only utilize legal counsel as needed to minimize expenses. Other firms considered required retainers for $1,000 or greater.